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Spiritual warfare

Bought With a Price: Embracing Your God-Given Freedom

July 22, 20243 min read

In our journey of faith, it's crucial to grasp the profound truth that our freedom has already been paid for by Jesus Christ. This freedom, however, is constantly under attack. Anything that comes against us aims to negate the reality of this freedom. The demonic’s biggest goal is to prevent us from using it.

Angels and demons

The Deceptive Nature of Sin

We see this concept often in police TV shows. Officers will try various tactics to get a suspect to talk before they can access legal counsel—deals, sly conversation, food, and even false promises. Similarly, sin entices us with false promises, but it can never fulfill us as it claims to. Instead, it leaves us emptier and in a worse condition than before.

Frank Hammond eloquently states:

"The Bible doesn’t make a distinction between Christian and non-Christian when it comes to having demons because anyone can, but deliverance is a provision of the cross for the Christian."

Faith and Deliverance

It wasn’t until the woman showed her faith that Christ responded, illustrating that even those with little faith can receive protection. We are all bought with a price. Jesus Christ paid for our souls and our freedom, providing us with the tools to advance from the influence of the demonic into the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Battle Within

The battle against demonic influence is personal and intense. The term "wrestle" denotes grappling, holding, and throwing, suggesting the pressure tactics Satan uses. He can't kill us, but he tries to knock us out. Since he can’t remove us from the fight, his aim is to make us walk out voluntarily, forfeiting our inheritance.

Mark 16:17 (ESV) assures us:

"And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues."

Spiritual Warfare

Engaging in spiritual warfare means using the authority Christ has given us. It’s not about praying to God to handle it but commanding Christ’s authority ourselves. For instance, when facing doubt, we often pray for more faith. However, faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. The issue is not the amount of faith but the presence of doubt.

Practical Application

When attacked by negative thoughts or demonic influences, don’t attack the person; target the influencing spirit. Proclaim with authority:

"Satan, you’re a liar, the father of lies. I command you to flee in the name and authority of Jesus Christ. I bind you and cast you out of my thoughts and my life, knowing you can’t successfully come against me."

Understand that warfare isn’t just praying; it’s about commanding Christ’s authority, which He has already given you. When dealing with doubt, for example, declare:

"Get behind me, Satan. Doubt, I cast you out in the name of Jesus and bind your effects on my mind, emotions, and mouth."

Then, start proclaiming God’s desires in faith. Faith is already paid for. You are victorious over doubt, and it must flee.


Your freedom in Christ is a precious gift, bought with a price. Embrace it and use the authority given to you to overcome any demonic influences. Remember, the same power that worked in the early church is available to you today. Engage in spiritual warfare with confidence, knowing that nothing can negate God’s will for your life.

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Sean Heuer

A Husband, Father, Pastor, Revivalist who is passionate about bringing people into freedom, unleashing people to do great things for God, and to see miracles performed, lives changed, and healing occurs.

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Kids Ministry

Augusta Kids is all about raising up the next generation to become sons and daughters of God. We are passionate about helping children identify their strengths and their call at the youngest age possible. We desire to guide them in their relationship with God and to prepare them for the power and presence of God and His glory. We aim to teach children about who God made them to be and to embrace a biblical perspective of their life and purpose. We work to help our kids become the next supernatural generation who engage in a church where they can help bring people into freedom by healing the sick, casting out demons, feeding the hungry, and taking care of the impoverished. We look forward to helping parents raise up a generation of spiritual warriors. We don't believe children have to wait for their calling to be enacted - we don't babysit we are called to equip.

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There are times when life is overwhelming, when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective towards the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you're facing, we'd love to pray with you!

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