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Jehoshaphat: The Power of Prayer and Standing Firm in Faith | 2 Chronicles 20

August 19, 20245 min read

Standing Firm in Faith: Lessons from Jehoshaphat's Prayer in 2 Chronicles 20

When we think about biblical stories of faith, the name Jehoshaphat may not always come to mind immediately, but his story in 2 Chronicles 20 offers profound lessons for us today. It's a narrative that not only highlights the power of prayer but also serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of aligning ourselves with the right people and the right battles.

The Reality of Being Outnumbered

One of the first things we learn from Jehoshaphat's story is the harsh reality of being outnumbered, outgunned, and seemingly overpowered. We often face situations where our resources, abilities, and time pale in comparison to the challenges ahead. Whether it's a personal struggle, a spiritual battle, or a daunting task, we find ourselves limited in what we can do. But Jehoshaphat's story reminds us that what matters most is not the size of the opposition but how we respond.

Jehoshaphat's Immediate Response: Prayer

Jehoshaphat's first reaction to the threat against his kingdom wasn’t to assemble his armies or strategize his defense; it was to pray. This is a crucial lesson for us. Too often, we treat prayer as a last resort when it should be our immediate response. Jehoshaphat’s faith was demonstrated in the speed with which he turned to God. The size of our faith is often reflected in how quickly we turn to prayer in the face of adversity.

In his prayer, Jehoshaphat not only sought God’s help but also reminded himself and the people of God’s power and promises. He recalled the faithfulness of God in the past, which gave him confidence in the present. This act of remembrance is powerful. When we pray, do we remind ourselves of who God is and what He has done? Do we approach Him with a heart full of faith, ready to hear His will, rather than simply asking Him to fulfill our desires?


The Power of God’s Promises

Jehoshaphat anchored his faith in the promises of God. Even though the specific promise he recalled wasn’t originally given to him, he knew that God’s promises are eternal. They stand the test of time, and we can rely on them. This is a vital point for us as believers: the promises of God are not just historical; they are alive and active today. When we face challenges, we must lean on these promises, knowing that God’s word never fails.

An Honest Assessment of Ourselves

Jehoshaphat’s prayer also includes a sobering reality check. While he acknowledges God’s power, he doesn’t overestimate his own abilities. This balance is crucial. Many Christians fall into the trap of either overestimating themselves or underestimating God. Jehoshaphat shows us that it’s important to recognize our limitations while keeping our eyes on God. Peter’s mistake when walking on water was taking his eyes off Jesus, and it’s a mistake we can easily repeat if we aren’t careful.

God's Response: The Spirit Shows Up

In verse 14, we see a beautiful moment where God responds to Jehoshaphat’s prayer by sending His Spirit. This is consistent with the nature of God—He shows up when His people pray. Whether it's Daniel, Jacob, Paul, or Silas, we see time and again that prayer ushers in freedom, victory, and God’s presence. The same is true for us today. When we earnestly seek God in prayer, He responds, bringing freedom and breaking chains.

Three Directives for Spiritual Battle

God’s response to Jehoshaphat included three key directives: stand firm, hold your position, and do not be afraid or dismayed. These instructions are timeless.

  1. Stand Firm: The call to stand firm is repeated throughout the New Testament. It’s a call to resist the urge to retreat or give up when things get tough. Standing firm is about holding onto your faith, knowing that God will bring the victory in His time.

  2. Hold Your Position: God emphasizes the importance of not moving from the place He has called us to. We are often tempted to take matters into our own hands, but doing so can prolong our suffering. Holding your position means trusting God’s timing and resisting the urge to act out of fear or impatience.

  3. Do Not Be Afraid or Dismayed: Fear and disappointment are powerful forces that can paralyze us. But God encourages us to remain steadfast, even when it feels like the battle will never end. Victory is often just around the corner; we simply need to weather the storm.

Gratitude Amidst Anxiety

Interestingly, modern science supports what the Bible teaches about the power of gratitude. A study by the National Institutes of Health found that gratitude and anxiety cannot coexist. When we focus on being grateful, we diminish the power of fear and anxiety in our lives. This is a practical tool for us in spiritual warfare—cultivating gratitude can help us stand firm and hold our position.

The Reward of Faith

Finally, Jehoshaphat’s story ends with a significant reward: the spoils of victory. It took the people of Judah three days to collect the spoils after God defeated their enemies. This serves as a reminder that when we trust in God, not only do we see victory, but we also receive blessings beyond what we could have imagined.

Jehoshaphat’s story is one of faith, prayer, and perseverance. It challenges us to assess our own responses to the battles we face and encourages us to rely fully on God’s promises. As we stand firm, hold our position, and resist fear, we can be confident that God is with us, leading us to victory and abundant blessings.

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Sean Heuer

A Husband, Father, Pastor, Revivalist who is passionate about bringing people into freedom, unleashing people to do great things for God, and to see miracles performed, lives changed, and healing occurs.

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