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Spiritual Warfare

Standing Strong: Defeating the Enemy's Plan to Bring You Down

August 01, 20244 min read

Spiritual warfare is a battle we fight every day, often without even realizing it. As we conclude our series on this crucial topic, it’s essential to remember that while the series may be ending, the reality of spiritual warfare never does. The enemy’s attacks come from all directions—North, South, East, and West—just like the four horns mentioned in Zechariah 1:18-21, which symbolize the global influence of demonic power.


These horns, representing strength, authority, and power, were set against Israel, not to destroy them but to scatter them, so they couldn’t lift their heads. This image struck me deeply. The enemy’s goal is not always to wipe us out but to oppress us to the point where we can’t lift our heads in faith, power, or authority. When our heads hang low in shame, guilt, or powerlessness, we are in a position of submission, not victory.

In the Bible, the head symbolizes power, authority, and honor. When we allow the enemy to take away our fight, we submit to his will rather than God’s. This submission is dangerous because it suppresses our ability to experience the victory God has promised. The enemy knows that if he can take away our will to fight, he can distract us from prayer, weaken our spiritual insight, and distort our understanding of God’s power in our lives.

I had a personal encounter with this just last night. Our dog was limping, and no one knew why. With an impending trip to India, we couldn’t afford a vet bill, and I found myself getting angry. My wife suggested we pray for the dog, but I was so frustrated that I offered only a half-hearted prayer. The enemy was using my anger to strip away my desire to pray with faith. It wasn’t until later that we prayed earnestly for our dog, and this morning, we saw improvement. Sometimes, miracles take time to manifest, but the key is to keep fighting in prayer and not let the enemy take away our ability to seek God.

The enemy’s strategy is clear: discourage us from seeking God, distort our spiritual insight, and ultimately, bring us into submission. But God has given us tools—prayer, worship, the application of His Word, and obedience to the Holy Spirit—to combat these attacks. These tools are the craftsmanship we use to create God’s image in our lives and in the world.

Just as skilled craftsmen were needed to build the temple of God, we are called to be craftsmen in our spiritual lives. We are creators, and with the tools God has given us, we can overcome the obstacles the enemy places before us. But the enemy wants to stop us from using these tools, from creating paths of victory out of the challenges we face.

The eyes are a symbol of spiritual insight and understanding. When the enemy attacks, he wants to take away our ability to see clearly, to have sound judgment, and to seek God’s answers. But an improper view of warfare leads to spiritual death. If we don’t recognize the enemy’s tactics, we may fall into submission without even realizing it.

In 2 Kings 18, when the Rabshakeh couldn’t discourage Israel’s leadership, he shouted threats to the people, promising them degradation and despair. But the people knew that the enemy couldn’t come against them because they had the Word of the Lord. Similarly, the first thing God said to Jesus was, “This is my Son, whom I am well pleased.” The first thing the enemy said was, “Are you really the Son of God?” The enemy will always try to challenge the Word of God in your life, to discourage and frustrate you from seeing it come to fruition.

But there is hope. When the enemy tries to bring you down, God responds with victory. If you can’t fight alone, He will send people to stand with you. If you can’t find people to fight with you where you are, move to a place where you can worship freely, because God will never abandon you in battle if you’re still willing to fight.

The four craftsmen in Zechariah’s vision were sent to terrify and cast down the horns that scattered Israel. Similarly, God sends His craftsmen to tear down everything that comes against Him and His people. We are those craftsmen, called to stand strong, lift our heads, and fight with the tools God has given us.

No matter how oppressive the battle, never submit to the enemy. Find new ways to connect with God, and remember that victory is always within reach when you keep your head lifted and your heart aligned with God’s will.

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Sean Heuer

A Husband, Father, Pastor, Revivalist who is passionate about bringing people into freedom, unleashing people to do great things for God, and to see miracles performed, lives changed, and healing occurs.

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Augusta Kids is all about raising up the next generation to become sons and daughters of God. We are passionate about helping children identify their strengths and their call at the youngest age possible. We desire to guide them in their relationship with God and to prepare them for the power and presence of God and His glory. We aim to teach children about who God made them to be and to embrace a biblical perspective of their life and purpose. We work to help our kids become the next supernatural generation who engage in a church where they can help bring people into freedom by healing the sick, casting out demons, feeding the hungry, and taking care of the impoverished. We look forward to helping parents raise up a generation of spiritual warriors. We don't believe children have to wait for their calling to be enacted - we don't babysit we are called to equip.

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